Virtual audio input windows
Virtual audio input windows

virtual audio input windows

The Teams app allows me to choose the virtual device, and the sound works, but the delay is missing. QuickTime also uses the virtual device, and recorded video also comes out in sync. That all works too: the delay clearly happens, and it makes Zoom through the native app work perfectly. Thus, AudioHijack can listen to the real microphone, route that through a 170ms delay "device", and then send the output of that to the virtual audio device. AudioHijack allows filters of various kinds to be added into the audio stream. Loopback allows creation of virtual audio devices, each with an input and an output. So I installed products from Rogue Amoeba, "Loopback" and "AudioHijack".

virtual audio input windows

The problem is that the video frame lag makes the audio be a little ahead (about 170 to 180 milliseconds, depending), and that freaks some people out in meetings. My microphone is an ordinary USB microphone, and it also works fine.

virtual audio input windows

The camera works fine, but because what that Cam Link divice does is convert the HDMI stream to a USB webcam stream, it lags by 6 or 7 frames. I've got the MacOS version of Microsoft Teams installed, and I use a Cam Link 4K to route video from a camera for use as video for things like Teams, Zoom, Google meetings, etc. This is kind-of a "Hail Mary" question, as it's obscure and weird, but I figure it can't hurt to ask.

Virtual audio input windows